Published Scientific Articles

  1. Occurrence data of the Neotropical Otter Lontra longicaudis Olfers, 1818 in the Manu Biosphere Reserve – Link
  2. Variation of mammal diversity along a gradient separated by geographic barriers within the Andes of Perú –Link
  3. Diversity of wasps along an ecosystem disturbance gradient in the Manu Biosphere Reserve (Perú): Their bioindicator value – Link
  4. Contribution to the knowledge of the Polistinae subfamily (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in the Manu Biosphere Reserve (Madre de Dios – Perú) – Link
  5. New records of the subfamilies Ceropalinae and Notocyphinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from the Biological Station “Manu Learning Centre”, Peru – Link
  6. Indigenous Lands are Better for Amphibian Biodiversity Conservation Than Immigrant-Managed Agricultural Lands: A Case Study From Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru – Link
  7. Altitudinal differences in alpha, beta and functional diversity of an amphibian community in a biodiversity hotspot – Link
  8. Predation of Scinax ruber (Anura: Hylidae) tadpoles by a fishing spider of the genus Thaumisia (Araneae: Pisauridae) in south-east Peru – Link
  9. Human disturbance impacts on rainforest mammals are most notable in the canopy, especially for larger-bodied species – Link
  10. Are We Using the Most Appropriate Methodologies to Assess the Sensitivity of Rainforest Biodiversity to Habitat Disturbance? – Link
  11. Food for thought. Rainforest carrion-feeding butterflies are more sensitive indicators of disturbance history than fruit feeders – Link
  12. A new species of poison-dart frog (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from Manu province, Amazon region of southeastern Peru, with notes on its natural history, bioacoustics, phylogenetics, and recommended conservation status – Link
  13. Methods matter: Different biodiversity survey methodologies identify contrasting biodiversity patterns in a human modified rainforest — A case study with amphibians – Link
  14. Out on a Limb: Arboreal Camera Traps as an Emerging Methodology for Inventorying Elusive Rainforest Mammals – Link
  15. How Much Potential Biodiversity and Conservation Value Can a Regenerating Rainforest Provide? A ‘Best-Case Scenario’ Approach from the Peruvian Amazon – Link
  16. Past Human Disturbance Effects upon Biodiversity are Greatest in the Canopy; A Case Study on Rainforest Butterflies – Link